1.Terms Of Use
Before you indulge yourself in this awesome blog of mine, I would like to give you a heads up on some serious sounding but totally formality related things. Time Travelling Shutterbug has been made to express my views on my travel and student life experiences with the aim to help friends and fellow readers with original reviews and lessons that I have learned in the process.
I do not take responsibility for any unfortunate experiences that you or anyone else might have following in my footsteps. If you do, however, have any difference of opinion or experience about a place/ product etc then you may contact me, I will take it into consideration and even edit my blog to include your view on the matter :) (BFF goals)
I do my best to provide you with up-to-date information, but information is subject to market change. Hehe. Which market you ask? All of them. The prices of transport, accommodation, flight, and products I use may change at any given time so please do further research and double check. Write to me again if you want to update (you can show off to me also).
While using this platform please do not use any kind of offensive language, comments to fellow members or to me. While contacting me please maintain a professional code of conduct.
2.Copyright Policy
Unless otherwise noted, I (Nishma Khetia from the Time Travelling Shutterbug) am the legal copyright holder of all (written, multimedia and graphic) material on this website and it may not be used, reprinted, (partially) modified or published without my written consent. A link to Time Travelling Shutterbug must appear in any work that is being used after prior permission. Also as a side but very important note, if I have taken photos for you as a friend please have the courtesy to give me photo credits or link my blog while sharing them. I burn a lot of calories while crouching down making your legs look longer and slimmer ;)Guest bloggers and other contributors to Time Travelling Shutterbug are responsible for their own submitted material on my website. They have their own views, opinions, and beliefs.
3.Hold Harmless
All the content produced here is for general information and not as a professional advice of any kind. I am not a professional travel agency owner/tourist guide of any sort neither am I a gold medalist student or a professional photographer. I do have a Pharmacy degree but god knows how many important questions have contributed to that. Any kind of health advice that I may write on this website is not advice from a doctor or a professional pharmacist. It is just my review or opinion.
4.Privacy Statement
Time Travelling Shutterbug will not reveal any of your confidential information to sponsors, advertisers or stalkers. It does not, however, take guarantee of any third party privacy policy that runs through this website. I try to make this a comfortable experience for everyone as I do not want my inbox crowded with spam-related complaints from my genuine readers.
4.Reserve Rights
I, Nishma Khetia reserve the right to make any modifications on this blog which includes but is not restricted to: editing, deleting content, deleting comments if I think they are spam, selling or deleting my blog altogether. I also have the right to run any promotions on this blog as I work hard to produce content and my hair is turning gray as I begin the journey to pursue my masters.
5.Advertisers and Sponsors
I am not responsible for the actions of my advertisers or sponsors. If you purchase a product or service based upon a link from my website, you must take action with that company to resolve any issues, not Time Travelling Shutterbug.
6.Letters To The Editor (Me)
Any letters, messages, reply to me through any form of communication (Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google +, Handwritten) maybe be used by me on my blogs or elsewhere unless otherwise specially requested prior to sharing the message. The best ones have a special place in my heart and even though a lot of this post sounds automatic and robotic, I assure you I am a human (I can fill in some text if you want me to!).If you ever want to thank me you can easily contact me. You can also get me cake, cookies, perfumes, bath products, candles (for a full gift list please contact me in advance before my birthday, they get booked you know :p)
Love you my readers to the moon and back.
Signing off,
Nishma Khetia.
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