"There’s nothing small about small talk. Though you may think that making
small talk is just a way to pass the time or avoid awkwardness, many great
friendships and relationships have started with a discussion about the weather.
Small talk can not only help you build a meaningful bond with a person, but it’s
also a vital skill that will benefit you in the professional world "-wikiHow on small talk.
Being born and brought up in Dar-es-salaam, I have always
had a constant group of friends and new acquaintances, if any, would always be
through my current friends and in their presence. Having said that, I would consider myself to
be below average when it comes to making small talk at social events and
gatherings. I always tend to come up with various things to say (in my head)
while listening to a conversation but can never muster up the courage to
actually say the words and communicate. The past month has been excruciatingly
painful as I knew absolutely no one in Bangalore city during my month long
internship. Whether it was dealing with new roommates at my paying guest
accommodation or with seniors and colleagues, I was failing terribly at
striking up any sort of conversation. I would describe myself as two totally
opposite sides of the same coin, irritatingly talkative once I am comfortable
with people but quite the opposite initially.
I was inspired to write this blog post after one such small
talk scenario. After accepting the invitation to an office party, I was having
second thoughts. Previously, all the coffee breaks at the office had been
filled with interesting small talks that turned to good conversations except for
the fact that I had sat silently though most of them. I promised myself that I
would try to get better at small talk while having a good time at the party.
Once I arrived at the party, I noticed that people began conversations with a
simple compliment on each other's outfits, or style of dancing or something
light and simple. Majority of the people were on the dance floor and I joined
them in order to get out of having to make small talk. Later that night, I was
told by my seniors who were going to arrange my ride back home that I should
get a lift from a guy named Adi. I knew the time had come when I had to make a
choice and this time I did not choose awkward silence.
I had not met Adi before since he worked in a different
office but under the same Human Resources Department. The journey back home was
a good twelve kilometers and I was going to work on my small talk skills.
Getting into the car, I introduced myself and so did he. I assumed he was four
to five years older than me. He began with the usual question "Where are
you from?" and I have now realized that is the most interesting thing
about me. On revealing that I am from Tanzania, the curiosity generally
develops. I don't know if it was because Adi was from HR and had been taught on
how to make small talk (yes, the team gets Learning and Development sessions to
teach them such skills) or because I was helping him by answering with
elaborative answers and asking a few questions in return, or a combination of
both but we continued chatting throughout the ride. The topics included our
education qualifications, Tanzanian politics, the need of bigger roads owning
to traffic in metro cities and so much more. I also learned that both of our
fathers enjoyed rally driving and that we had been taught the basics on fixing
cars before we were allowed us to take driving lessons!
In the following week, I felt more confident at small talk.
I began talking about simple topics like news headlines (but always on lighter
topics), food, the weather, clothing etc. Now before I continue further let me
put a
Disclaimer: I love deep and meaningful conversations that
could educate me. I know that there
exists a group of people who would be against small talk. To them I would like to
say, if you don't want to do it, it's fine as long as 'you' are comfortable
with the silence.
In today's world networking is considered as an important
key to success. You never know which of your contacts would help you out in the
future. Another point of significance to consider before judging small talk
(and my blog post) is that if you are ever going to find yourself surrounded by
strangers, at parties, social events or anything along those lines, you will
definitely need small talk, there is no denying it.
Therefore, I will say this: use small talk to your advantage
but don't let all your conversations be like that. If you think an individual is going to stick around,
make meaningful conversation that could benefit both of you and increase their
interest in you (if that's your goal).
From my personal experience and a little research on small
talk online, I have got the following pointers for anyone who wants to better
their small talk game:
1. Start with names and a good introduction: Names are very
important and when you familiarize yourself with another individual's name they
tend to feel more at ease around you. Try saying their name a few times as you
chat with them this will help you remember it better. Furthermore, you should
come up with a short but interesting introduction for yourself. You can use the
same introduction with multiple people if you think it is working in your favor.

2. Stick to Simple Topics: Weather (It is boring but when
you have nothing to say, it will be equivalent to finding gold!), News
headlines, the latest Movies (Music and Books too), compliments on clothing
(and asking one where they got it from even if you don't want to buy it),
something about your and their general background etc.
Don't: I have had conversations with people who have
elaborated on topics such as their past relationships during the very first meeting. Don't do this.
Steer clear of controversial topics like hardcore politics and religious
3. Homework Helps: If you have time before an event where
you know you will be having to socialize, think of a few things to discuss. It
could perhaps be something about the chief guest or the purpose/ reason behind
the social event. It should be a common topic relevant to the theme of the
event where all parties would be able to contribute to the conversation hence
saving you from doing all the talking.
4.Tackling Unpleasant Situations: There are those sad people
who have met you before, several times but ignore you on purpose. Give them a
lesson on social skills and remind them like so "Hello. I believe I have
met you before at..." At other times you might need to make an exit
from a conversation and in such scenarios you can use several excuses like
'getting food', 'bathroom' or simply 'need to make a phone call'.
5. Save Dying Conversations: Yes, there might have been
silence for more than a few seconds but that does not mean that all hope is
lost. Don't hold back and just keep the conversation going. You can be a good
listener and ask a question that would require the other person to elaborate
example "What school do your kids attend?" or something about their
parents or spouse.
Remember: You should use this only when you have been given
some previous information on the same subject (Someone might have lost a dear
family member).
Last but not the least, if you find the person interesting
and the feeling is reciprocated be sure to exchange contact details so you may
be able to keep in touch. If not, a polite goodbye should suffice.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Please leave your
thoughts and suggestions in the comments below. Thank you for reading :)
-Nishma Khetia.